Monday, August 30, 2010

Chapter 1 August 30

1c. On page 12 of this reading assignment, Tomlinson says, “… the most effective teaching does not seek transmission of knowledge isolated from human need, but rather attempts to help young learners discover the power of knowledge to reveal, amplify, and develop the best that is in them.” What does this mean to you?

We will never, as educators, be able to teach children EVERYTHING they will need to know to succeed in life. What we must strive to help them learn, is how to learn and why learning is important. Each child comes with their own interests, skills, abilities and goals for the future; our job is to show them how to become their very best selves through the acquisition of knowledge. If we can teach them how to learn, they will be able to learn everything they desire to learn.
Success in school is not simply knowing the dates of events in history, it is knowing how to make your mark on history. Let's help them to change the world.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! You set a high standard for yourself! Go and change the world!
